10 sentences in passive voice and passive voice of inventions in history

Collegue of scientific and technological studies of the state of Oaxaca
Squad 07 Telixtlahuaca

Teacher: Salvador Domínguez Méndez

Student: Alondra Garcia Trujillo

Exercise: 10 sentences in passive voice and passive voice of inventions in history

Matter: English

Cluster: 503

10 sentences in passive voice and passive voice of inventions in history

1.- Jame Clerk Maxwell and Thomas Sutton invented color photografy in 1867
1.- Color photografy was invented in 1867 by James Clerk Maxwell and Thomas Sutton 

2.- Karl Friedch Benz invented the car in 1886
2.- The car was invented in 1886 by Karl Friech Benz

3.- Konrad Zuse invented computers in 1941
3.- Computers were invented in 1941 by Konrad Zuse

4.- John Loggie Bard invented the tv in 1926
4.- The tv was invented in 1926 by John logie baird

5.- Karl Van Drais invented the bicycle in 1817
5.- The bicycle was invented in 1817 by Karl Van Drais

6.-Galileo Galilei invented the microscope in 1609
6.- The microscoper was invented in 1609 by Galileo Galilei 

7.- Belgian John Joseph Merlin invented roller skates in 1760
7.- Roller skates were invented in 1780 by Belgian John Joseph Melin

8.- J. A Birchall invented the notebook in 1902
8.- The notebook was invented in 1902 by J.A Birchall

9.- James Naismith invented basketball in 1891
9.- Basketball was invented in 1891 by James Naismith

10.- Brian Acton and jon Koum founded whatsapp in 2009
10.- Whatsapp was funded in 2009 by Brian Acton and Jon Koum 


  1. it is a very interesting information👌

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Vivian esperanza díaz2 de diciembre de 2022, 21:06

    very good information and excellent work.

  4. Is very interesting and important the history
    thanks for you information

  5. Interesting, very good 👍

  6. It is very interesting and good

  7. Very good, relevant information that is presented

  8. It is very interesting is blog 🤗

  9. Your work is very complete apart from beautiful. Congratulations

  10. This information is very good, what a great job. Thanks for sharing


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